4 Feb 2010


Basically, the form is from one of Korean Palace. Each boxes means areas for the specific people such as King, civil officials and military officials. So they are divided into a kind of space hierarchy. For example, the Red area which symbolize King's area is on the highest level.

Because of the front yard was a space for official events, each areas were strictly divided into left and right side for specific people of each party. However, back yard was a space for discussion between king and officials. So I didn't divide the back yard into left and right side with acrylic material. However, historically, some party had dominant power in specific period, so the space might be divided into the atmosphere. I symbolize that with different density of water which is divided into layers. They are divided into groups without any material division.

We can experience similar phenomenon in our usual space. I want to show the notion of immaterial division.

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